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ACNORIFY(Blood purifier, skin healing, healthy liver)



Quantity : 200 ml

Weight : 250 gm

  • Blood Purifier
  • Useful in hyper pigmentation
  • Helps to improve complexion
  • Helps to provide natural cure for skin disorders like acne, pimple blemishes, skin rashes vulgaris, boils and urticaria

Baccate(Good For Body Detoxifier, Immunity Booster, Joint Pain Relief Restful Sleep)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

  • Immunity Booster & Anti Aging
  • Unique combination of multiple berries
  • Overall wellbeing & daily need of energy
  • For healthy metabolism & blood circulation
  • Acts as an anti-aging, anti-oxidant & anti-depressant agent
  • Prevents and cures skin related ailments
  • Useful for cleansing and detoxification of body



Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

  •  For Cardiovascular System
  • Helps in removal of blockage from coronary blood vessels
  • Keeps heart healthy and maintains blood pressure
  • Improves blood circulatory system
  • Purifies blood and manages cholesterol

CHOLESTRO-C (Ayurvedic Supplements For Helps Blood Cholesterol & Sugar Level, A Powerful Blend Of Natural Ingredients Extra Strength Formula)


QUANTITY- 60 Capsules

1. Control cholesterol level

2. Improves blood circulation

3. lowers blood pressure & anxiety

4. Relieves cardiac pain & tone muscle 

5. Supports healthy heart & nervous system.


CHOLESTRO-C (For Helps Blood Cholesterol & Sugar Level | A Powerful Blend Of Natural Ingredients Extra Strength Formula)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

  •  For Cardiovascular System
  • Helps in removal of blockage from coronary blood vessels
  • Keeps heart healthy and maintains blood pressure
  • Improves blood circulatory system
  • Purifies blood and manages cholesterol
  • Acts as cardiac stimulant and hemostatic
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety
  • For longer and healthier life of heart

COLONACE(Ayurvedic Syrup to improve digestion, helpful in constipation, 500ml)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

1. For stomach related ailments 

2. Improves liver healthy naturally 

3. Purifies blood & nourishes skin 

4. Useful for eyesight and blood pressure

5. Beneficial in digestion, constipation & diarrhea.


CRYSTIZER(Best Medicine For Urinary Track Infection(UTI),Vaginal Infection Helps In Incontinence, Pashanbhed, Gokharu and Punarnava)



Quantity : 200 ml

Weight : 250 gm

  • Anti Stone/Alkalizer
  • Soothes burning sensation during urination
  • Balances pH with alkalizing action of yavaksahar&shwetparpati
  • Anti-bacterial herbs like gokshur prevent recurrent urine infection
  • Eases urine flow naturally

FEMINITY( Women ayurvedic herbs, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Ashoka, Lodhra, Babool)


Quantity : 200 ml

Weight : 250 gm

  • Female Cordial
  • Relieves from premenstrual tension
  • Relieves from menstrual pain
  • General tonic in menstrual irregularity
  • Leucorrhea and menopausal disturbances
  • Restores health and beauty in gynecological disorders

GASIDIC-FR( Acidity gas relief ayurvedic syrup, stomach pain relief medicine, kabj medicines or Digestion, Acidity, Constipation, Abdominal Pain Bloating and Stomach Gas Relief, Helps to Improve Digestive Immunity)


Quantity : 200 ml

Weight : 250 gm

  • Useful in sour stomach & acid indigestion
  • Relieves from flatulence and acidity
  • Relieves from belching & bloating
  • Counters heart burning sensation
  • Aids to better digestive conditions
  • Long lasting relief from gas

GLYCOUNT(Ayurvedic, Potentially Regulates Blood Sugar Levels, Can Prevent fall in Sugar Level & Promote Glucose Metabolism)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

  • Controls Diabetes
  • Manages weight
  • Prevents fluctuation of blood sugar levels
  • Enhances immune system and resistance in body
  • Acts as an adjuvant to insulin or hypoglycemia agents
  • Improves energy & stamina level
  • Stimulates digestion by stimulating gastric juices

GRASSPHYLL(Effective Weight Management, Natural Detoxification, Anti-Inflammation & Energy Supplement For Men & Women)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 550 gm

  • Energizer & Immunity
  • Acts as a natural iron supplement
  • Improves metabolism & bowel movement
  • Contributes in immune system and manages body weight
  • Contains higher detoxification & anti-aging properties
  • Enhances stamina and energy levels
  • Beneficial in constipations and diabetes

JOIRIC-PAIN(Natural/Herbal for Daily Immunity & Resistance to infection ,Bone &Joint Wellness, Decreasing Workout Post Injuries)


Quantity : 500 ml

Weight : 500 gm

  • Complete Joint Care
  • Cares Your Joints
  • Joint pain reliever
  • Reduces joint stiffness
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent
  • Acts as non-steroidal analgesic agent
  • Enriches mobility strength of joints
  • Catalyzes healing of fractured bones
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